Today’s modern family is very busy. Between work, school, extra-curricular activities, and events – where does family time come in? Let’s not forget to add the hours each family member spends on electronic devices. With all these distractions, it’s easy to forget to designate time for family. But it is the most valuable.
There are many benefits of family quality time. Spending time together fosters emotional wellness and a sense of unity for all members of the family. In addition, I believe it helps children feel loved and less likely to engage in negative activities outside of the home as a way of seeking belonging. Family bonding moments are where memories are created, and life feels simple.
50 Weekend Family Fun Ideas
- Trip to the zoo
- Game night
- Scavenger hunt
- Cooking together – Try a new recipe
- Spend a day at an amusement park
- Family bike ride
- Visit the library
- Movie night with snacks
- Take a walk around your neighborhood
- Picnic in the park
- Visit an animal shelter
- Sidewalk chalk drawings
- Trip to an art gallery
- Paint together
- Have a fashion show in your living room
- Read together
- Make popsicles
- Make paper dolls
- Family Cookout
- Make Playdoh
- Beach day
- Make ice cream in a bag
- Visit a museum
- Make personal pizzas
- Mini Golf
- Bowling
- Have breakfast for dinner
- Start a water balloon fight
- Go fishing
- Visit a farm
- Catch bugs (don’t forget to release them!)
- Family bond fire
- Bake cupcakes
- Have a family talent show
- Feeding ducks
- Family road trip
- Visit an aquarium
- Drive-In movie
- Swimming
- Create a family scrapbook
- Make milkshakes
- Create a family time capsule
- Stargaze
- Famers Market
- Make an apple pie
- Family comedy night – tell jokes together
- Play a board game
- Play a card game
- Wash the car
- Family garage sale – use the money to fund a special family activity!